Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) is a community-driven strategic planning process to achieve health equity. MAPP provides a structure for communities to assess their most pressing population health issues and align resources across sectors for strategic action. It emphasizes the vital role of broad stakeholders and community engagement, the need for policy, systems, and environmental change, and alignment of community resources toward shared goals. The process results in a community health [needs] assessment (CH[N]A) and a community health improvement plan (CHIP).
MAPP 2.0 is now available for download!
MAPP 2.0 is NACCHO’s update to the original MAPP framework. The MAPP 2.0 materials are available to download using the link above.
- MAPP 2.0 Handbook: Step-by-step guidance for the three-phase process, to be used with the materials below
- Starting Point Assessment: A new tool to reflect on past CHI cycles, inventory resources, and set goals for your CHI process, used in Phase I
- Community Health Assessment Tools: Three new and revised tools for a mixed-methods community health assessment, used in Phase II
- Power Primer: A new supplement for communities looking to address the impact of power imbalances on health inequities, aligned with each step of MAPP 2.0
- MAPP 2.0 Supplemental Tools: A folder of resources (such as editable spreadsheets and word documents) to use throughout MAPP 2.0
Join the MAPP Network Virtual Community
The MAPP Network is a virtual community for individuals and organizations who are interested in the MAPP framework for community health improvement. Follow these instructions to join the MAPP Network. It offers:
- Additional reference materials and templates for your CHI process
- Open forum and moderated discussion boards
- Strategy Bank of community health improvement plan activities from local health departments and their communities
- Example community health improvement plans using MAPP
- CHI Webinar Warehouse of recommended trainings related to CHI and MAPP 2.0
- Story Bank of MAPP communities’ experiences using the framework
MAPP in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, December 2021
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) is designed to spur collective action to improve population health and equity, and NACCHO is proud to have contributed to the following Journal of Public Health Management & Practice article, "Results From a National Mixed-Methods Study Exploring Community Health Improvement Implementation: An Opportunity to Strengthen Public Health Systems Through Collective Action," which explores the characteristics of MAPP users who completed the MAPP Action Cycle and factors that facilitated or inhibited implementation activities. Read it here:
In-person Trainings
NACCHO offers in-person training for local health departments and their community partners. Regional in-person trainings for MAPP 2.0 will begin in 2024. Register for upcoming trainings here.
To request a customized, in-person training for your health department, email [email protected].
Asynchronous Trainings
The MAPP Network Virtual Community now has a complete set of 11 recorded trainings for local health departments (LHDs) and their partners to navigate the MAPP 2.0 guidance and materials. View the trainings in the CHI Webinar Warehouse section of the MAPP Network. Join the MAPP Network Virtual Community using the instructions linked above.
Technical Assistance
NACCHO offers technical assistance for communities implementing MAPP. Email [email protected] with questions and technical assistance requests. We also recommend posting your questions to the MAPP Network Virtual Community (above), to learn from other communities implementing MAPP.
MAPP Evolution: A Blueprint for the Future
Following a national evaluation of the MAPP framework, NACCHO is spearheading a MAPP evolution process to adapt the framework and related training and resources to better meet current field needs and trends around community health improvement (CHI). With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Resources and Services Administration, NACCHO worked with the field to outline revisions to the framework and develop a multi-year blueprint for conducting a MAPP re-design.
Access the MAPP Evolution Blueprint Executive Summary and May 2022 update below to learn more. As NACCHO is embarking on this exciting journey to evolve MAPP, we are committed to keeping the field informed and engaged in the process.
Public Health Infrastructure
A Guide to Aligning Healthy People 2030 and MAPP 2.0
NACCHO & HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion guide on using Healthy People 2030 objectives and targets at the local level in CHI.
Public Health Infrastructure
A Guide to Aligning Healthy People 2030 and MAPP 2.0
For more information on MAPP, you can email us at [email protected]
As NACCHO is evolving the MAPP framework, we recognize that this important work cannot be put on hold and encourage communities to continue their MAPP processes using the current framework. Learn more about the existing six phases of MAPP by navigating through the pages below. For a high-level view of the community health assessment/community health improvement plan (CHA/CHIP), also see our CHA/CHIP homepage