Marketing and Communication
Find tools and examples from the field to enhance communications around your CHA/CHIP
MAPP Presentations
- MAPP Overview PowerPoint: This is the foundational PowerPoint NACCHO uses to introduce local health departments to the MAPP process.
- Orienting System Partners to MAPP PowerPoint: Based off the MAPP Overview PowerPoint, this version provides more information about what public health is and why system partners may be interested in an effort focused on public health. The presentation begins based on an assumption that public health system partners may not see themselves as part of the public health system.
- Orienting Local Health Department Staff to MAPP PowerPoint: Orienting local health department staff not directly involved in coordinating the MAPP process is as important as orienting your community partners if a new way of doing business is going to take hold in public health. This PowerPoint is designed to assist a health director or MAPP coordinator share information about the MAPP process with a focus on the implications for the wider health department staff.
- Promotional MAPP Presentation: This 20-minute presentation describes the entire MAPP process and philosophy. It can be used as an internal or external marketing tool.
Presentations to Partners and Committee Members
- This presentation tool was used by Barry-Eaton District Health Department (MI) during a Healthy! Capital Counties advisory committee meeting and outlines their progress in the community health improvement process and discusses visioning, indicator selection, geographic groupings for their community, and pitfall sharing.
- This Prezi presentation tool describes Barry-Eaton District Health Department's (MI) community health improvement process and was presented to their advisory committee. It is an example of way to make a fun and unique presentation.
- This modifiable presentation tool was used by Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department during a core team planning meeting and describes CHAs and CHIPs for their core team as well as roles and responsibilities and next steps.
- This modifiable presentation tool was used by Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department during an accreditation committee meeting and describes CHAs and CHIPs, their partners, subcommittees' roles and responsibilities, and next steps.
- This modifiable presentation was used by Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department during a Public Health and Human Services subcommittee meeting and describes their community health improvement planning work.
- Example Marketing Plan Outline: The Kentucky Public Health Association (KPHA) created this marketing plan outline to identify its goals and strategies for promoting KPHA. This five-page document includes introduction and goals, a target audience profile, communication objective, work plan, and thoughts on evaluation.
- Example Marketing Plan: This 11-page document explores Northern Kentucky District Health Department's marketing approach and includes a detailed work plan and list of implementation strategies.
- Media and Communications Plan: created by the Healthy! CapitalCounties (MI) partnership, this document describes the 2012 media and communications plan for their community health improvement process.
- Training Presentation: Distributing and Communicating about the CHIP - This webinar describes CHIP communication plans, identifies ways to overcome potential challenges in communicating about the CHIP, planning for how a variety of partners and community members will contribute to CHIP communication efforts, and more. Watch the free archived recording of this webinar.
See examples of press releases and other media engagement strategies
- Engaging the Media Tip Sheet: This two-page document provides helpful hints for engaging the media; from guidelines on crafting briefings and press releases to interviewing tips
- Press Releases and Public Service Announcements: This modifiable tools is a press release used by one community to advertise their community health survey that sought input from community members (Submitted by Kittitas County Public Health Department, WA).
- This modifiable tool is a press release used by one community to advertise and raise awareness about an upcoming community member open house forum (Submitted by Kittitas County Public Health Department, WA).
- This modifiable tool is one community's 60 second and 30 second public service announcement used to spread awareness about their upcoming community member open house forum (Submitted by Kittitas County Public Health Department, WA).
- This modifiable tool is a press release used by one community to advertise and raise awareness about an upcoming community member open house forum (Submitted by Kittitas County Public Health Department, WA).
- Summary: This modifiable tool is a summary of one community's 'Journey to Health' community member open house forum, including a summary of each of the different activities (e.g., bean counting station texting poll, etc.) (Submitted by Kittitas County Public Health Department, WA).
- Example Media Announcement: This media announcement was disseminated by the Metropolitan Nashville/Davidson County Health Department on behalf of the Healthy Nashville 2010 initiative. The announcement not only promotes Nashville's MAPP efforts but also demonstrates the mayor's support of the process.
Handouts for partner engagement
Below are handouts that LHDs have used to engage partners
- MAPP Overview for System Partners Fact Sheet: Developed by NACCHO staff, this fact sheet describes what MAPP is for partners that many not yet consider themselves part of the local public health system. MAPP coordinators may want to use this fact sheet as part of a packet of information for potential MAPP partners or sponsors.
- Example Program Flyer: This flyer was created in San Antonio to alert the community to a merger between two local health organizations. The flyer compares the new and previous organizational structures and explains what changes the community should expect.
- Example MAPP Fact Sheet: This factsheet describes why and how El Paso County, CO, began the MAPP process and its accomplishments to date. The El Paso County Department of Health and Environment used this factsheet to inform the community and other interested groups about its MAPP efforts.
- Example infographics: These infographics were created by Dallas County Health and Human Services, TX. Each contains both quantitative and qualitative information for each of the four chosen priority areas.
- Together! Healthy Knox Leadership Team summary of lessons learned and advice.
- The Local Public Health System Assessment of MAPP/The National Public Health Performance Standards Local Tool: A Community-Based Public Health Practice and Academic Collaborative Approach to Implementation.
- Students in the Community: MAPP as a Framework for Academic-Public Health Practice Linkages.
- This tool provides an advertisement for a community member open forum in both English and Spanish. (Submitted by Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department, TX)
Talking Points for CHAs and CHIPs
These talking point tools are examples of ways to communicate information about CHAs and CHIPs to partners, stakeholders and community members.
- This document is a tool that is one community's talking points about their community health improvement process -- from Gallatin City-County Health Department (MT).
- This document is a tool that is Austin Travis County Health and Human Services Department's one-page description of the who, what, where, and when of the CHA and CHIP. It is written with a 5th grade literacy level in both English and Spanish.
- Spitfire Strategies Communication Tools: Spitfire Strategies offers nonprofits and foundations communications planning, counsel, and training to help them create positive social change. The Spitfire Web site includes a series of free, downloadable tools and resources for building communications capacity. Spitfire Strategies also offers fee-associated communications services.
- MAPP as a Tool for Social Justice Presentation: Developed by the Chicago Department of Health, this 30-minute PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of MAPP and describes how Chicago's MAPP process was implemented with an emphasis on social justice and how the MAPP process led to changes in public health practice in Chicago.