HIV, STI, & Viral Hepatitis Survey Network
The HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Survey Network was formed to increase NACCHO’s understanding of local health department (LHD) efforts, needs, challenges, and successes related to HIV, STIs, and viral hepatitis. The Sentinel Network is an important mechanism for gathering the LHD perspective; information collected contributes to NACCHO’s ability to effectively support LHD practice and guides efforts to promote and advocate on behalf of LHDs for adequate resources and appropriate public health legislation.
The Sentinel Network provides opportunities for peer learning and engagement among its members. After each survey, NACCHO conducts virtual meetings with Sentinel Network members to share the results and discuss topics of interest.
To sign up, complete this brief form.
For more information, email [email protected].
Local Health Departments as Leaders in the Prevention &...
LHDs lead a coordinated response to the syndemic of hepatitis, HIV and other STIs, and substance use at the local level, but limited funding, staffing challenges, and the COVID-19 pandemic impact LHDs’ ability to prevent and ultimately eliminate viral hepatitis.
Local Health Departments as Leaders in the Prevention &...
Below are additional products and resources developed from the information gathered through NACCHO's HIV, STI, & Viral Hepatitis Sentinel Network.
- Local Health Departments as Leaders in the Prevention & Elimination of Viral Hepatitis
- Impact of COVID-19 on HIV, STI, & Viral Hepatitis Programs
- Extragenital STI Testing Efforts
- Community Health Center in Local HIV Efforts
- Jurisdictional Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiatives
- Adolescent Health Priorities, Programs, & Partners
- Impact of Budget Cuts on Local HIV, STI, & Hepatitis Programs