Infectious Disease
NACCHO is strengthening local health departments' capacity to prevent and control infectious diseases. Despite the extraordinary successes generated by immunizations, pharmaceuticals, and evidence-based public health interventions, the spread of infectious diseases remains a critical issue. Sexually transmitted infections, vaccine-preventable diseases, and emerging threats like COVID-19 all demonstrate the need for strong infectious disease prevention and control programs.
Local health departments play a significant role in health promotion, infectious disease surveillance, outbreak response, immunization delivery, and screening, care, and treatment. Approaches to preventing infectious disease or controlling its spread depend on identifying causes and understanding how they can most effectively be addressed.
The following resources are available for free to help your Local Health Department prevent infectious disease in your community.
Community Health Program
Christina Baum
Director, Infectious Disease
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Community Health Program
Dawn Hairston
Project Manager, Infectious Disease
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Community Health Program
Irene Halferty
Communication Specialist, Infectious Disease
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Community Health Program
Andrea Chavez Calvi
Senior Program Analyst
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Community Health Program
Kimberly Nalley
Senior Program Analyst, Infectious Disease
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Community Health Program
Kristen Ross
Senior Program Analyst, Infectious Diseases
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Community Health Program
Candice Young
Senior Program Analyst, Infectious Disease
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Community Health Program
Jaclyn Abramson
Senior Program Analyst, Infectious Disease
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Community Health Program
Trent Johnson
Program Analyst, Infectious Disease
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