In 2020 the Bucks County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) in eastern Pennsylvania planned to work with its County Commissioners to recognize the unit’s volunteers for their 15 years of service to the community. COVID-19 response put that recognition on hold. However, the unit revisited this opportunity earlier this year, working with their elected officials to recognize the unit’s 17 years of service, including the contributions of volunteers during the pandemic.
During its bi-monthly meeting, the County Commissioners proclaimed April 17-23 as “Volunteer Appreciation Week,” specifically citing the work of MRC volunteers “for their selfless efforts in educating, preparing, and protecting our community—in the face of a pandemic and natural disasters—to support the health and safety of Bucks County.”
Unit leaders invited volunteers to be on-hand for the presentation of the proclamation. They also shared a PowerPoint presentation during the meeting which included information on the history of the MRC, background about volunteer requirements and the unit’s composition, and highlights of responses and activities throughout the unit’s history. This included a special call out for COVID-19 response efforts which included 11,000+ hours across 300+ volunteers. Leaders detailed the “awe-inspiring list” of activities volunteers were engaged in and the various roles they played within those activities.
“This fantastic opportunity allowed us to showcase our unit’s achievements throughout the years and, most recently, the volunteers’ support during the COVID-19 response,” said MRC Co-Coordinator Mary Limbert.

What low or no-cost methods are you using to recognize volunteers? Send your successes to NACCHO at [email protected] and we will share them in future newsletters.