NACCHO is pleased to offer a funding opportunity for a consultant to provide expert training and technical assistance (TTA) to build the health equity capacity of local health departments and their community partners, as a part of the CDC’s National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities Department of Health and Human Services (CDC-RFA-OT21-2103), hereafter referred to as the COVID Health Equity Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to address COVID-19 related health inequities and advance health equity by expanding state, local, US territorial, and freely associated state health department capacity and services.
The focus of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to support a sub-cohort of rural and frontier LHDs by strengthening their knowledge, understanding, and technical capabilities in developing and creating health equity focused sustainability plans. NACCHO seeks an applicant that can provide a wide range of technical assistance on this topic. The focus of this RFP is to provide NACCHO with support in the delivery of TA to a sub-cohort of up to 15 rural and frontier Local Health Departments (LHDs) in creating sustainability programs that focus on health equity in their jurisdiction. The level of TA may vary between health departments but should include 1:1 meetings (2 per location twice through the funding period), providing Ad Hoc TA when requested, and the distribution of existing resources to support LHDs. Applicants should also have experience managing large-scale projects, project management, and service delivery analysis to better obtain program objectives.
One (1) award of up to $150,000.00 is available. Selections will be made on or around March 22, 2024, and the project period will run from the date of contract execution to 07/31/2024. Applications must be submitted no later than March 15, 2024, 11:59 pm ET. All necessary information regarding the project and proposal process may be found in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Consultants may pose individual questions to NACCHO at any point during the application process by e-mailing Lluvia Botello with a subject line of “Rural Health TA Provider RFP Question” ([email protected]).