This request for applications (RFA) enhances the reach and desired outcomes of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities Department of Health and Human Services (CDC-RFA-OT21-2103), designed to address health disparities and advance health equity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This opportunity is designed to provide funding and capacity-building training, technical assistance, and tools/resources to: 1) expand the capacity and services of eligible rural and/or frontier-serving local health departments (LHDs) to prevent and control the infection (or transmission) of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases among populations at higher risk and that are underserved, including racial and ethnic minority groups, and people living in rural and/or frontier communities; and 2) strengthen coordination and collaboration with existing 2103 grant recipients, including State, Local, and U.S. Territorial Health Departments, a list of which can be found here. Up to fifteen (15) awards of up to $50,000 each are available.
View the Request for Applications for full details about this project and download the Application here.
Application Submission: RFA proposals are to be submitted by email only to [email protected] by Monday, April 8, 2024, at 11:59pm ET. Please direct all questions about the RFA and application process to Lluvia Botello at [email protected].