Environmental Public Health Tracking
The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network provides information from a nationwide network of integrated health and environmental data that drives actions to improve the health of communities. NACCHO supports local health departments by providing strategies to strengthen collaboration and communication between state grantees and locals working to understand the links between key environmental health indicators (air quality, carbon monoxide, lead, water quality) and disease development.
NACCHO’s Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) Toolkit includes case studies, guides, trainings, communications materials, and reports and papers. Tools support building infrastructure to conduct webinars, communication about EPHT and its value to a community, education and training materials, and provide guidance on using data from the National Tracking Network to inform decision makers about the linkages between environmental conditions and chronic disease. A NACCHO factsheet provides more information about the toolkit and how to use it.
Click here to access policy statements that demonstrate NACCHO's support of environmental public health tracking at the national level.