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Meeting COVID-19 Vaccination Needs
This month we highlight two MRC units supporting large-scale vaccination clinics in their communities.
May 19, 2021 | Beth Hess
COVID-19, Immunization, Influenza
CDC Guidance: Vaccination Clinics During COVID-19
Now is the time to plan for a vaccine that will be ready and more important then ever this year—the seasonal flu vaccine.
Aug 06, 2020 | Beth Hess
COVID-19, Immunization, Medical Reserve CorpsMeeting COVID-19 Vaccination NeedsThis month we highlight two MRC units supporting large-scale vaccination clinics in their communities. May 19, 2021 | Beth Hess |
COVID-19, Immunization, InfluenzaCDC Guidance: Vaccination Clinics During COVID-19Now is the time to plan for a vaccine that will be ready and more important then ever this year—the seasonal flu vaccine. Aug 06, 2020 | Beth Hess |

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