CDC Launches “Radiation Basics Made Simple” Training Module

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Radiation Studies Branch announces the launch of Radiation Basics Made Simple, the...

Apr 15, 2014 | Lisa Brown

  • Don’t Panic, Be Prepared: Jack Herrmann’s Recap of the Preparedness Summit

    The public health workforce often conducts its work behind the scenes, making the citizens of their communities healthier and safer...

    Apr 08, 2014 | Jack Herrmann

  • NACCHO Selects Sites for its Radiation Legal Preparedness Project

    NACCHO announced on March 19 that it has selected sites for a nationwide Radiation Preparedness Project aimed at assessing the...

    Mar 19, 2014 | Christopher Gray

  • NACCHO Announces Two Paid Summer Internships

    The Environmental Health, Pandemic Preparedness, and Catastrophic Response Team at NACCHO has announced two new summer internship...

    Mar 10, 2014 | Sara Rubin

  • Radiation and Local Public Health

    The relationship between radiation and health is a large and varied topic. The health effects of radiation exposure are influenced by...

    Mar 05, 2014 | Guest Author

  • Truck Carrying Radioactive Material Found After It Was Stolen In Mexico

    A truck transporting radiotherapy equipment containing the radioactive isotope colbalt-60 has been found after it was stolen in Mexico...

    Dec 06, 2013 | Lisa Brown

  • Radiation Legal Preparedness Project Update and Webinar

    On September 18, 2013, Andrew Roszak presented a webinar for the National Alliance on Radiation Readiness (NARR) to provide an...

    Nov 27, 2013 | Andy Roszak

  • Volunteer Force Gets Latest Radiation Emergency Training

    The Greene County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) from Xenia, OH, conducted a radiation training on Nov. 7–8 to prepare for a...

    Nov 22, 2013 | Admin

  • Nationwide Response Issues After an Improvised Nuclear Device Attack Workshop...

    On January 23-24, 2013, in partnership with NACCHO, the IOM Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events...

    Oct 16, 2013 | Andy Roszak

  • CDC Launches “Radiation Basics Made Simple” Training Module

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Radiation Studies Branch announces the launch of Radiation Basics Made Simple, the first in a series of radiation preparedness training modules. Radiation Basics introduces participants to the fundamentals of radiation and radioactivity. View a 2-minute preview of Radiation Basics Made Simple. Radiation Basics Made Simple features an enhanced...

    Apr 15, 2014 | Lisa Brown

    Don’t Panic, Be Prepared: Jack Herrmann’s Recap of the Preparedness Summit

    The public health workforce often conducts its work behind the scenes, making the citizens of their communities healthier and safer without them even being aware of it. It is not until disaster strikes that people find out the value of their public health department.

    Apr 08, 2014 | Jack Herrmann

    NACCHO Selects Sites for its Radiation Legal Preparedness Project

    NACCHO announced on March 19 that it has selected sites for a nationwide Radiation Preparedness Project aimed at assessing the readiness of local public health officials and emergency response professionals for a radiological incident. In a series of exercises across the country, NACCHO will examine how local officials are able to address complex issues such as family reunification, public...

    Mar 19, 2014 | Christopher Gray

    NACCHO Announces Two Paid Summer Internships

    The Environmental Health, Pandemic Preparedness, and Catastrophic Response Team at NACCHO has announced two new summer internship openings. These internships will provide students the opportunity to learn about the U.S. public health system and the vital role of the 2,800 local health departments that NACCHO represents. NACCHO’s mission is to be a leader, partner, catalyst, and […]

    Mar 10, 2014 | Sara Rubin

    Radiation and Local Public Health

    The relationship between radiation and health is a large and varied topic. The health effects of radiation exposure are influenced by the dose of exposure, the type of radioactive material involved in the exposure, the exposure pathway, and the duration of the exposure and can be de minimis or can produce severe immediate and delayed […]

    Mar 05, 2014 | Guest Author

    Truck Carrying Radioactive Material Found After It Was Stolen In Mexico

    A truck transporting radiotherapy equipment containing the radioactive isotope colbalt-60 has been found after it was stolen in Mexico on Dec. 2. U.S. officials have not stated why it was stolen, and it was likely thieves opened the container not knowing what it was and burned themselves. This exposure was likely to prove fatal to […]

    Dec 06, 2013 | Lisa Brown

    Radiation Legal Preparedness Project Update and Webinar

    On September 18, 2013, Andrew Roszak presented a webinar for the National Alliance on Radiation Readiness (NARR) to provide an overview of the Radiation Legal Preparedness (RLP) project, the relevant findings from the project to date, and the important legal considerations that underpin a radiological response. Watch the archived webinar on YouTube. In 2012, the […]

    Nov 27, 2013 | Andy Roszak

    Volunteer Force Gets Latest Radiation Emergency Training

    The Greene County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) from Xenia, OH, conducted a radiation training on Nov. 7–8 to prepare for a possible radiation emergency. MRC volunteers learned how to screen large numbers of people for radiation and how to decontaminate them. This training was the first radiation preparedness training of its kind in West Central […]

    Nov 22, 2013 | Admin

    Nationwide Response Issues After an Improvised Nuclear Device Attack Workshop Resources

    On January 23-24, 2013, in partnership with NACCHO, the IOM Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events hosted a workshop that focused on key response requirements faced by local and regional public health and health care systems in response to an improvised nuclear device (IND) detonation. Topics discussed at the workshop included […]

    Oct 16, 2013 | Andy Roszak

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