Popular Categories
COVID-19 Response Mission Sets
Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units have been adapting and supporting an unprecedented number and type...
Jan 21, 2021 | Beth Hess
Community Engagement, COVID-19, Medical Reserve Corps
Combating Social Isolation
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units are helping to combat social isolation virtually through call programs.
Dec 16, 2020 | Beth Hess
COVID-19, Immunization, Medical Reserve Corps
Preparing for Mass Vaccination Whatever the Weather
While the timing of COVID-19 vaccine availability is still unknown, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units and health departments are...
Nov 19, 2020 | Beth Hess
Funding Opportunity, Medical Reserve Corps
Apply for NACCHO's 2021 Medical Reserve Corps Operational Readiness Awards
Application deadline December 7, 2020.
Oct 28, 2020 | Beth Hess
COVID-19, Medical Reserve Corps
Fostering Volunteer Resiliency
Weekly since March the Southwest Virginia Medical Reserve Corps Resiliency Team has sent unit volunteers a mental wellness tip sheet...
Oct 28, 2020 | Beth Hess
Medical Reserve Corps, Opportunity
NACCHO Accepting Applications for MRC COVID-19 Operational Readiness Awards
Applications are open through September 22 at 8:00 pm ET for the MRC COVID-19 Operational Readiness Awards.
Sep 09, 2020 | Beth Hess
Tools & Resources, Community Engagement
Get Ready for Preparedness Month 2020!
National Preparedness Month is also an opportunity for local health departments and Medical Reserve Corps units to raise awareness...
Aug 14, 2020 | Beth Hess
COVID-19, Medical Reserve Corps
Combating COVID-19 on Election Day
When Virginians headed to the polls on June 23 they were met by 662 Infection Prevention Ambassadors, Medical Reserve Corp (MRC)...
Jul 16, 2020 | Beth Hess
Awards & Recognition, Press Release, Medical Reserve Corps
The National Association of County and City Health Officials Announces Over $1...
The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the voice of the country’s nearly 3,000 local health...
Feb 11, 2020 | Theresa Spinner
Tools & Resources, COVID-19, Medical Reserve CorpsCOVID-19 Response Mission SetsThroughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units have been adapting and supporting an unprecedented number and type of responses. Many units are using NACCHO’s mission set template to plan and document those response types. Jan 21, 2021 | Beth Hess |
Community Engagement, COVID-19, Medical Reserve CorpsCombating Social IsolationMedical Reserve Corps (MRC) units are helping to combat social isolation virtually through call programs. Dec 16, 2020 | Beth Hess |
COVID-19, Immunization, Medical Reserve CorpsPreparing for Mass Vaccination Whatever the WeatherWhile the timing of COVID-19 vaccine availability is still unknown, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) units and health departments are practicing and planning now for its distribution—including the possibility of administration both indoors and outdoors during cold weather. Nov 19, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Funding Opportunity, Medical Reserve CorpsApply for NACCHO's 2021 Medical Reserve Corps Operational Readiness AwardsApplication deadline December 7, 2020. Oct 28, 2020 | Beth Hess |
COVID-19, Medical Reserve CorpsFostering Volunteer ResiliencyWeekly since March the Southwest Virginia Medical Reserve Corps Resiliency Team has sent unit volunteers a mental wellness tip sheet with a focus on a particular issue. Oct 28, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Medical Reserve Corps, OpportunityNACCHO Accepting Applications for MRC COVID-19 Operational Readiness AwardsApplications are open through September 22 at 8:00 pm ET for the MRC COVID-19 Operational Readiness Awards. Sep 09, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Tools & Resources, Community EngagementGet Ready for Preparedness Month 2020!National Preparedness Month is also an opportunity for local health departments and Medical Reserve Corps units to raise awareness about the importance of community disaster planning. Aug 14, 2020 | Beth Hess |
COVID-19, Medical Reserve CorpsCombating COVID-19 on Election DayWhen Virginians headed to the polls on June 23 they were met by 662 Infection Prevention Ambassadors, Medical Reserve Corp (MRC) volunteers who were there to encourage, educate, and provide guidance around safe voting amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Jul 16, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Awards & Recognition, Press Release, Medical Reserve CorpsThe National Association of County and City Health Officials Announces Over $1 Million in Medical Reserve Corps Operational Readiness AwardsThe National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the voice of the country’s nearly 3,000 local health departments is pleased to announce the 2019 Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Operational Readiness Awards (ORA). Feb 11, 2020 | Theresa Spinner |

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