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Surge Managment Workgroup May Report
The Surge Management workgroup held its May call on May 22. The call opened with a debrief about each member’s experience this...
May 28, 2014 | Stacy Stanford
Hospital Preparedness Program Budget Cuts Could Jeopardize Gains Made in Healthcare...
On Jan. 17, President Obama signed into law a Federal spending bill that included a cut of over $100 million to the Health and Human...
Mar 11, 2014 | Nicole Dunifon
NACCHO Hosts George Washington University Students for Policy Scholars Program
Over the past several months, NACCHO staff have developed a Policy Scholars Program that provides graduate-level students with the...
Feb 11, 2014 | Sara Rubin
NACCHO’s 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments Shows Continued Funding...
On Jan. 21, NACCHO released the report of findings and data from the 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments (Profile)...
Jan 28, 2014 | Frances Bevington
Surge Management Workgroup November Report
The Surge Management work group convened via conference call the third week of November. The group continued the conversation around...
Nov 27, 2013 | Stacy Stanford
Risks of Cyber Attacks on the Healthcare Sector Leave Public Health of Communities...
In December 2011, a hospital in Georgia was forced to divert all non-emergency admissions to other medical centers, after a malware...
Oct 24, 2013 | Justin Snair
This Emergency Will Be Tweeted: What Local Health Departments Need to Know About...
With nearly three out of four American adults using social networking sites, first-hand reports on social media during unfolding...
Oct 17, 2013 | Frances Bevington
NACCHO Surge Management Workgroup August Report
Chair: Christine Brooks; Staff: Laura Biesiadecki and Stacy Hosler The Surge Management Workgroup held its initial meeting on...
Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington
Surge Managment Workgroup May ReportThe Surge Management workgroup held its May call on May 22. The call opened with a debrief about each member’s experience this year for workgroup feedback requests. NACCHO asks workgroups to provide their advice and feedback on items when our federal partners need the local perspective. Most feedback was positive; members felt a local perspective […] May 28, 2014 | Stacy Stanford |
Hospital Preparedness Program Budget Cuts Could Jeopardize Gains Made in Healthcare and Public Health PreparednessOn Jan. 17, President Obama signed into law a Federal spending bill that included a cut of over $100 million to the Health and Human Services’ Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP). That equals nearly a 30 percent reduction in a program specifically aimed at strengthening healthcare preparedness for public health emergencies. These cuts could have severe and dire consequences on the ability of... Mar 11, 2014 | Nicole Dunifon |
NACCHO Hosts George Washington University Students for Policy Scholars ProgramOver the past several months, NACCHO staff have developed a Policy Scholars Program that provides graduate-level students with the opportunity to draft policy statements on behalf of NACCHO, work with staff members to receive feedback, and then present the statement to the appropriate NACCHO workgroup for review. Students have the opportunity to learn about a […] Feb 11, 2014 | Sara Rubin |
NACCHO’s 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments Shows Continued Funding Cuts for PreparednessOn Jan. 21, NACCHO released the report of findings and data from the 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments (Profile) study, demonstrating continued funding cuts across several programmatic areas at local health departments (LHDs), including emergency preparedness Jan 28, 2014 | Frances Bevington |
Surge Management Workgroup November ReportThe Surge Management work group convened via conference call the third week of November. The group continued the conversation around the topics of the public health role in hospital coalitions and electronic medical records in light of information sharing during disasters. The discussions led to several common themes. First, there is a real benefit for […] Nov 27, 2013 | Stacy Stanford |
Risks of Cyber Attacks on the Healthcare Sector Leave Public Health of Communities VulnerableIn December 2011, a hospital in Georgia was forced to divert all non-emergency admissions to other medical centers, after a malware infection downed the institution’s IT network and required staff to use paper records. The attack affected computer connectivity, as hospital computers could not communicate with each other. The hospital was forced to use a runner system, where papers were shuttled... Oct 24, 2013 | Justin Snair |
This Emergency Will Be Tweeted: What Local Health Departments Need to Know About Social MediaWith nearly three out of four American adults using social networking sites, first-hand reports on social media during unfolding situations present many opportunities for those in the fields of local public health and emergency response. However, local health departments have a long way to go with adoption of social media, with only 8 percent using Twitter and 24 percent using Facebook. Oct 17, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
NACCHO Surge Management Workgroup August ReportChair: Christine Brooks; Staff: Laura Biesiadecki and Stacy Hosler The Surge Management Workgroup held its initial meeting on Thursday August 22nd. The Chair, Christine Brooks, introduced herself and invited each member to provide background on themselves and what they are hoping to get out of the workgroup. Members spend the bulk of the meeting discussing […] Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
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