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New RadResponder Module Monitors Critical Population Data
The Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) has made strides to prevent and/or reduce radiation exposure in...
Feb 12, 2018
Be Prepared for Radiation Emergencies
“Failing to plan is planning to fail:” This saying applies to many aspects of preparedness, including radiation disaster preparedness....
Nov 30, 2017
NACCHO Releases Report on Local Radiation Preparedness Efforts
NACCHO, in collaboration with the CDC Radiation Studies Branch, developed a report entitled “A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding...
Oct 18, 2017 | Raymond Puerini
New RadResponder Module Monitors Critical Population DataThe Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) has made strides to prevent and/or reduce radiation exposure in recent decades. The primary goal of the CRCPD is to assure that radiation exposure to individuals is kept to the lowest practical level, while not restricting its beneficial uses. The HS/ER-11 CRCPD task force, was charged […] Feb 12, 2018 |
Be Prepared for Radiation Emergencies“Failing to plan is planning to fail:” This saying applies to many aspects of preparedness, including radiation disaster preparedness. Radiological emergencies can vary by size and type and result from transportation accidents, nuclear power plant accidents, explosive radiological dispersal devices (RDDs “dirty bombs”), radiation exposure devices, and improvised nuclear devices (INDs). It is... Nov 30, 2017 |
NACCHO Releases Report on Local Radiation Preparedness EffortsNACCHO, in collaboration with the CDC Radiation Studies Branch, developed a report entitled “A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding Radiation Preparedness within Local Health Departments.” The report includes information about how local health departments are preparing for radiation events and examines the barriers and facilitators to radiation preparedness planning. Data for this report was... Oct 18, 2017 | Raymond Puerini |

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