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The Role of Local Public Health in Healthcare Critical Infrastructure Protection
Continuity of healthcare and public health services are critical to response and recovery following a disaster or emergency....
Oct 21, 2015 | Mary Hodges
“Regional Disaster Response Coordination to Support Health Outcomes”: Summary of a...
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has released “Regional Disaster Response Coordination to Support Health Outcomes: Summary of a...
Sep 16, 2015 | Admin
Making the Case for Surge Planning: Using Healthcare Coalitions as a Framework
By Geoffrey Mwaungulu, JD, MPH, Program Analyst, NACCHO and Stacy Stanford, MSPH, Senior Program Analyst, NACCHO During 2014, the...
Jul 29, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr.
How Local Health Departments Utilize PHEP Funding When Preparing For and Responding...
Since 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) grant has provided...
Jun 24, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon
Surge Management Workgroup May Report
The Surge Management Workgroup held its monthly call on May 26. During this conference call members discussed potential topics for...
Jun 02, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr.
Surge Management Workgroup March Report
The Surge Management Workgroup held its March call on the 23rd. During this conference call members discussed and reviewed...
Apr 08, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr.
Surge Management Workgroup January Report
The Surge Management Workgroup held its January call on the 26th. After introductions, members held a discussion related to the topics...
Feb 24, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr.
Emergency Preparedness Funding and Ebola: A Look into the Efforts Being Made by a...
Infectious diseases continue to pose a threat to communities, with Ebola being in the spotlight over the last six months. The threat...
Jan 29, 2015 | Katie Dwyer
Surge Management Workgroup December Report
The Surge Management Workgroup held its December call on the 8th. After introductions, members held a discussion related to the topics...
Jan 05, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr.
The Role of Local Public Health in Healthcare Critical Infrastructure ProtectionContinuity of healthcare and public health services are critical to response and recovery following a disaster or emergency. Strengthening and protecting healthcare and public critical infrastructure requires coordinated preparedness planning and response among public and private sector stakeholders. To better understand the role of local health departments (LHDs) in healthcare and public health... Oct 21, 2015 | Mary Hodges |
“Regional Disaster Response Coordination to Support Health Outcomes”: Summary of a Workshop Series from the Institute of MedicineThe Institute of Medicine (IOM) has released “Regional Disaster Response Coordination to Support Health Outcomes: Summary of a Workshop Series.” This report series features summaries from three regional Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events workshops hosted by IOM in 2014. The workshops explored opportunities to strengthen the regional coordination... Sep 16, 2015 | Admin |
Making the Case for Surge Planning: Using Healthcare Coalitions as a FrameworkBy Geoffrey Mwaungulu, JD, MPH, Program Analyst, NACCHO and Stacy Stanford, MSPH, Senior Program Analyst, NACCHO During 2014, the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM’s) Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events organized a series of workshops tasked with identifying opportunities to strengthen regional coordination to ensure effective medical and public health response to... Jul 29, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr. |
How Local Health Departments Utilize PHEP Funding When Preparing For and Responding to a Public Health EmergencySince 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) grant has provided support to public health departments across the nation, allowing them to build and strengthen their ability to respond to public health threats. At the local level, this investment has enabled local health departments (LHDs) and their partners […] Jun 24, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon |
Surge Management Workgroup May ReportThe Surge Management Workgroup held its monthly call on May 26. During this conference call members discussed potential topics for future blog posts related to the Surge Management Workgroup activities for the NACCHO Preparedness Brief Blog. NACCHO will work with workgroup members to develop a blog post related to its March 2015 webinar entitled: “Medical […] Jun 02, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr. |
Surge Management Workgroup March ReportThe Surge Management Workgroup held its March call on the 23rd. During this conference call members discussed and reviewed evaluations stemming from the March 11, 2015 Surge Management Workgroup webinar on the intersection between local public health and healthcare coalitions. After these discussions the workgroup held a conversation on potential activities for the immediate future. […] Apr 08, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr. |
Surge Management Workgroup January ReportThe Surge Management Workgroup held its January call on the 26th. After introductions, members held a discussion related to the topics that workgroup members are interested in for future conversation. Following this discussion, Carina Elsenboss and Michelle Askenazi provided summaries on the Institute of Medicine Regional Disaster Response Coordination to Support Health Outcomes workshop, which... Feb 24, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr. |
Emergency Preparedness Funding and Ebola: A Look into the Efforts Being Made by a Rural Local Health Department in Ector County, TexasInfectious diseases continue to pose a threat to communities, with Ebola being in the spotlight over the last six months. The threat of Ebola has also increased attention on local health departments and their role in preparing for and responding to emerging infectious diseases. To better understand how local health departments are utilizing preparedness funding […] Jan 29, 2015 | Katie Dwyer |
Surge Management Workgroup December ReportThe Surge Management Workgroup held its December call on the 8th. After introductions, members held a discussion related to the topics that workgroup members are interested in for future conversation. Participants noted that it may be beneficial to hear from subject matter experts regarding healthcare coalitions and continue to have conversations related to the connection […] Jan 05, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr. |
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