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Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measurement Workgroup September Report
Chairs: Steve Huleatt & Steve Englender; Staff: Resham Patel and Naomi Rennard The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and...
Oct 09, 2013 | Admin
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup September Report
Chair: Bobbi Alcock; Staff: Tahlia Gousse The MRC workgroup convened via conference call on Sept. 11. Members brainstormed ideas for...
Oct 09, 2013 | Admin
National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) Annual Symposium
Date: Sept. 22—24, 2013 Staff Representative: Frances Bevington, Sara Rubin, Alyson Jordan Member Representatives: Meredith...
Oct 09, 2013 | Admin
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Radiation, FBI Training
Date: Sept. 3—5, 2013 Staff Representative: Andy Roszak Member Representative: Vanessa Burrows and Paul Biedrzycki (NACCHO Public...
Oct 09, 2013 | Admin
NACCHO Staff Mark National Preparedness Month 2013
To mark National Preparedness Month 2013, members of NACCHO’s staff organized and participated in two activities to enhance their...
Oct 01, 2013 | Admin
NACCHO Staff Report: Public Health Law & Science Seminar for Judges
To promote comprehensive emergency preparedness, including legal preparedness, NACCHO supported a training seminar with 45 California...
Sep 25, 2013 | Andy Roszak
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) August Report
Chair: Chris Hoff; Staff: Samantha Morgan and Naomi Rennard PPAG held its monthly call on Aug. 7. The group received a briefing on the...
Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington
NACCHO Surge Management Workgroup August Report
Chair: Christine Brooks; Staff: Laura Biesiadecki and Stacy Hosler The Surge Management Workgroup held its initial meeting on...
Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington
NACCHO Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup August Report
Chair: Meredith Li-Vollmer; Staff: Frances Bevington and Sara Rubin The Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its...
Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington
Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measurement Workgroup September ReportChairs: Steve Huleatt & Steve Englender; Staff: Resham Patel and Naomi Rennard The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measurement Workgroup held its monthly call on Sept. 24. Members discussed the Peer Assessment Model Tool, developed by Georgetown University. While the tool could be potentially useful for After-Action Reporting, it seems to be burdensome for local health departments... Oct 09, 2013 | Admin |
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup September ReportChair: Bobbi Alcock; Staff: Tahlia Gousse The MRC workgroup convened via conference call on Sept. 11. Members brainstormed ideas for the 2014 Preparedness Summit, and members intend to submit an abstract for a 90 minute learning session demonstrating how the “Factors for Success,” developed by the Division of Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps, can be used […] Oct 09, 2013 | Admin |
National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) Annual SymposiumDate: Sept. 22—24, 2013 Staff Representative: Frances Bevington, Sara Rubin, Alyson Jordan Member Representatives: Meredith Li-Vollmer, Elizabeth Hart, Rita Obey, Jennifer Dunlay, Glen Barbour, Denise Bingham, Theresa Orecchia Highlights: NPHIC convened public health communicators from across the country for a two-day training event in Chicago. Sessions focused on the use of social media during... Oct 09, 2013 | Admin |
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Radiation, FBI TrainingDate: Sept. 3—5, 2013 Staff Representative: Andy Roszak Member Representative: Vanessa Burrows and Paul Biedrzycki (NACCHO Public Health Law Workgroup) Highlights: Members from the Kentucky Department of Public Health, Kentucky Emergency Management, Kentucky Hospital Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collaborated to provide a... Oct 09, 2013 | Admin |
NACCHO Staff Mark National Preparedness Month 2013To mark National Preparedness Month 2013, members of NACCHO’s staff organized and participated in two activities to enhance their understanding of preparedness. Staff conducted the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) zombie preparedness simulation and a screening and discussion of the plausibility of the response in the film, Contagion. Oct 01, 2013 | Admin |
NACCHO Staff Report: Public Health Law & Science Seminar for JudgesTo promote comprehensive emergency preparedness, including legal preparedness, NACCHO supported a training seminar with 45 California Judges focused on public health practice and legal issues. Throughout the course of two days, judges learned from local public health practitioners about the issues and nuances of public health. Sep 25, 2013 | Andy Roszak |
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) August ReportChair: Chris Hoff; Staff: Samantha Morgan and Naomi Rennard PPAG held its monthly call on Aug. 7. The group received a briefing on the Anthrax Preparedness and Protection Pilot Program from Aaron Firoved, DHS, and Jim Hayslett, CDC. The current goal of the pilot is to provide responders with a comprehensive program for education, vaccine […] Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
NACCHO Surge Management Workgroup August ReportChair: Christine Brooks; Staff: Laura Biesiadecki and Stacy Hosler The Surge Management Workgroup held its initial meeting on Thursday August 22nd. The Chair, Christine Brooks, introduced herself and invited each member to provide background on themselves and what they are hoping to get out of the workgroup. Members spend the bulk of the meeting discussing […] Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
NACCHO Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup August ReportChair: Meredith Li-Vollmer; Staff: Frances Bevington and Sara Rubin The Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its inaugural meeting on Aug. 1. Members of the group introduced themselves on the call and explained the types of communications activities they each lead within their health departments. The group brainstormed about how they can be most […] Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington |

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