The Washington State Oso Mudslide: Response, Rescue, and Recovery

On Sat. March 22, a massive mudslide buried a rural town in Snohomish County, WA, just 50 miles north of Seattle, which has engaged...

Mar 31, 2014 | Sara Rubin

  • Pharmacists Bolster Local Health Department Efforts through the Medical Reserve Corps

    In this new issue brief from NACCHO, explore how LHDs can leverage the unique skill set and expertise of MRC pharmacist volunteers to...

    Mar 28, 2014 | Admin

  • Introducing MRC Connect!

    Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit leaders and partners have spoken… MRC Connect is the name for the new web-and mobile-based...

    Mar 27, 2014 | Admin

  • MRC Workgroup- February Update

    The MRC Workgroup convened via conference call on Feb. 20. Much of the discussion on this month’s call centered around the...

    Mar 04, 2014 | Tahlia Gousse

  • MRC Project February Report

    In February, NACCHO MRC project staff met for a half-day retreat to discuss direction for the MRC program in PY5 and beyond. Work...

    Feb 28, 2014 | Admin

  • NACCHO’s Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer Core Competency Advisory Workgroup

    Given the expansion of the strategic vision of the MRC to include both preparedness/response and routine public health activities and...

    Feb 28, 2014 | Kim Grimmick

  • Medical Reserve Corps Project January Report

    On Jan. 16, NACCHO publicly announced the 29 recipients of the MRC Challenge Award. NACCHO staff been working on the contracting...

    Jan 31, 2014 | Admin

  • Medical Reserve Corps Workgroup January Report

    The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup convened via conference call on Jan. 15. With the 2014 Preparedness Summit fast approaching,...

    Jan 31, 2014 | Tahlia Gousse

  • NACCHO’s 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments Shows Continued Funding...

    On Jan. 21, NACCHO released the report of findings and data from the 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments (Profile)...

    Jan 28, 2014 | Frances Bevington

  • The Washington State Oso Mudslide: Response, Rescue, and Recovery

    On Sat. March 22, a massive mudslide buried a rural town in Snohomish County, WA, just 50 miles north of Seattle, which has engaged the local community in an extensive response effort. This devastating event, one of the worst mudslides in U.S. history, piled approximately 15 million cubic yards of mud, clay, and wood across the Stillaguamish River, state Highway 530, and into a community of...

    Mar 31, 2014 | Sara Rubin

    Pharmacists Bolster Local Health Department Efforts through the Medical Reserve Corps

    In this new issue brief from NACCHO, explore how LHDs can leverage the unique skill set and expertise of MRC pharmacist volunteers to help further their local missions. MRC pharmacist volunteers’ contributions to local public health were documented as early as the response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Since then, pharmacists have helped their local MRC units and […]

    Mar 28, 2014 | Admin

    Introducing MRC Connect!

    Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit leaders and partners have spoken… MRC Connect is the name for the new web-and mobile-based application NACCHO is developing! With over 48 percent of the 529 votes cast during a two-week period, MRC unit leaders have established an identity for their new resource. MRC Connect will help enhance the partnerships among MRC […]

    Mar 27, 2014 | Admin

    MRC Workgroup- February Update

    The MRC Workgroup convened via conference call on Feb. 20. Much of the discussion on this month’s call centered around the upcoming Preparedness Summit and the MRC web and mobile-based application. Justin Snair, NACCHO Senior Analyst and co-lead for the MRC web and mobile-based application, was able to provide a functional specification update to the […]

    Mar 04, 2014 | Tahlia Gousse

    MRC Project February Report

    In February, NACCHO MRC project staff met for a half-day retreat to discuss direction for the MRC program in PY5 and beyond. Work continued on the Network Profile of the MRC, scheduled for release in March, MRC unit leaders’ demonstration projects, and awarding contracts for the NACCHO MRC awards. MRC staff hosted the NACCHO MRC […]

    Feb 28, 2014 | Admin

    NACCHO’s Medical Reserve Corps Volunteer Core Competency Advisory Workgroup

    Given the expansion of the strategic vision of the MRC to include both preparedness/response and routine public health activities and advancements in the field of core competencies, NACCHO convened an ad-hoc workgroup in New Orleans on Tuesday, Feb. 25 and Wednesday, Feb. 26. During this interactive workshop, the 10 members of NACCHO’s Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) […]

    Feb 28, 2014 | Kim Grimmick

    Medical Reserve Corps Project January Report

    On Jan. 16, NACCHO publicly announced the 29 recipients of the MRC Challenge Award. NACCHO staff been working on the contracting process for Challenge Award and Capacity Building Award winners, and have provided Challenge Awardees with a press release template to encourage press coverage in their communities. NACCHO also announced the formation of the new NACCHO […]

    Jan 31, 2014 | Admin

    Medical Reserve Corps Workgroup January Report

    The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup convened via conference call on Jan. 15. With the 2014 Preparedness Summit fast approaching, the workgroup has been busy finalizing its in-person Pre-Summit Workgroup Meeting. MRC Workgroup members also discussed the review of its resources for the Factors For Success Resource Toolkit. Several members agreed that a second effort […]

    Jan 31, 2014 | Tahlia Gousse

    NACCHO’s 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments Shows Continued Funding Cuts for Preparedness

    On Jan. 21, NACCHO released the report of findings and data from the 2013 National Profile of Local Health Departments (Profile) study, demonstrating continued funding cuts across several programmatic areas at local health departments (LHDs), including emergency preparedness

    Jan 28, 2014 | Frances Bevington

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