Popular Categories
Connecticut Declares “Public Health Ready Day” in Honor of Earning Statewide PPHR...
The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) announced that each of Connecticut’s five Emergency Planning and Preparedness...
Sep 18, 2013 | Frances Bevington
Medical Reserve Corps Units Help Their Communities Get Ready during National...
Today is Get Ready Day, which reminds Americans to prepare themselves, their families, and their communities for all disasters and...
Sep 17, 2013 | Admin
Engaging Children in Preparedness
Looking for ways to encourage children to think about preparedness? CDC’s family preparedness project called Ready Wrigley features...
Sep 16, 2013 | Frances Bevington
New Criteria and Process Guide Available from Project Public Health Ready
NACCHO’s Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) is pleased to announce the release of Version 7 of the PPHR criteria and Version 2 of the...
Sep 16, 2013 | Admin
Preparedness Photo Contest in Southwest Nebraska
Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department is celebrating National Preparedness Month with a photo contest for youth (ages 8-18)...
Sep 13, 2013 | Frances Bevington
CDC Looks at Preparedness from a Historical Perspective
During National Preparedness Month, CDC’s Public Health Matters blog will be covering the history of preparedness and how it has...
Sep 12, 2013 | Frances Bevington
Investing in Public Health Preparedness: Moving Beyond Our Reactionary Funding Cycle
Twelve years ago today, the United States experienced the worst terrorist attack on our soil, which since has shaped the ebb and flow...
Sep 11, 2013 | Jack Herrmann
IOM Releases the Crisis Standards of Care Toolkit for Indicators and Triggers
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) released the “Crisis Standards of Care: A Toolkit for Indicators and Triggers” to aid...
Sep 11, 2013 | Admin
Risks from Cuts to Preparedness Funding Stressed in Hill Briefing
NACCHO’s Jack Hermann, Senior Advisor and Chief, Public Health Preparedness, brought attention to cuts in federal funding for local...
Sep 11, 2013 | Frances Bevington
Connecticut Declares “Public Health Ready Day” in Honor of Earning Statewide PPHR RecognitionThe Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) announced that each of Connecticut’s five Emergency Planning and Preparedness Regions have been recognized by NACCHO’s Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) for their ability to respond to public health emergencies. Connecticut is now the fourth state in the nation to achieve statewide recognition. In honor of the recognition, […] Sep 18, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
Medical Reserve Corps Units Help Their Communities Get Ready during National Preparedness MonthToday is Get Ready Day, which reminds Americans to prepare themselves, their families, and their communities for all disasters and hazards, including pandemic flu, infectious disease, natural disasters, and other emergencies. While it is important to take the time today to prepare for a disaster or emergency, Americans should be prepared all year for any unforeseen event. Sep 17, 2013 | Admin |
Engaging Children in PreparednessLooking for ways to encourage children to think about preparedness? CDC’s family preparedness project called Ready Wrigley features activity books for ages 2-6 that follow a preparedness puppy as she tries to get her family ready for various events. The first two issues cover hurricane and earthquake preparedness. CDC plans to release Ready Wrigley app […] Sep 16, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
New Criteria and Process Guide Available from Project Public Health ReadyNACCHO’s Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) is pleased to announce the release of Version 7 of the PPHR criteria and Version 2 of the PPHR re-recognition criteria. These new versions have been updated to align with the most current standards and federal guidelines, including CDC’s public health preparedness capabilities. PPHR has also released a new process […] Sep 16, 2013 | Admin |
Preparedness Photo Contest in Southwest NebraskaSouthwest Nebraska Public Health Department is celebrating National Preparedness Month with a photo contest for youth (ages 8-18) reports the McCook Daily Gazette. Participants submit photos of themselves with their disaster kit along with a list of supplies and an explanation of their kit. Four winners will be selected to win a $50 iTunes gift […] Sep 13, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
CDC Looks at Preparedness from a Historical PerspectiveDuring National Preparedness Month, CDC’s Public Health Matters blog will be covering the history of preparedness and how it has shaped the agency’s response to disasters. Topics will include 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and how those events led to adoption of CDC’s IMS structure and state-of-the-art Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Topics will also include major […] Sep 12, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
Investing in Public Health Preparedness: Moving Beyond Our Reactionary Funding CycleTwelve years ago today, the United States experienced the worst terrorist attack on our soil, which since has shaped the ebb and flow of public health preparedness policy and funding. Catastrophic events such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the H1N1 influenza outbreak led to an infusion of federal funding to state and local governments that soon dried up after each response ended. Sep 11, 2013 | Jack Herrmann |
IOM Releases the Crisis Standards of Care Toolkit for Indicators and TriggersThe Institute of Medicine (IOM) released the “Crisis Standards of Care: A Toolkit for Indicators and Triggers” to aid state and local governments, public health agencies, and emergency management agencies in developing plans for crisis standards of care and response to a catastrophic disaster. The report examines indicators and triggers that guide the implementation of crisis... Sep 11, 2013 | Admin |
Risks from Cuts to Preparedness Funding Stressed in Hill BriefingNACCHO’s Jack Hermann, Senior Advisor and Chief, Public Health Preparedness, brought attention to cuts in federal funding for local health departments’ preparedness programs that are leaving the nation at risk during a briefing on Thursday, August 15, 2013 sponsored by the Alliance for Health Reform and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Watch the briefing... Sep 11, 2013 | Frances Bevington |

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