The Preparedness Brief provides updates and information from NACCHO’s public health preparedness portfolio.
CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health joined the CDC EPIC Team to discuss health risks that hurricanes bring; planning for...
Jul 18, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
When a disaster strikes a community, it affects people of various cultural backgrounds—sometimes disproportionately. Cultural...
Jun 17, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
CDC recently hosted a Public Health Grand Rounds session focused on Legionnaires’ disease. During this session, four experts discussed...
Jun 13, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
FEMA is hosting a series of one-hour engagement webinars to describe the updates and answer participants’ questions on the National...
May 30, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
FEMA is seeking feedback on the revised National Response Framework and Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 – Cross-Sector Business...
HHS ASPR’s Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) hosted a webinar on March 12, 2019 with speakers...
Mar 13, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
The Risk Identification and Site Criticality (RISC) Toolkit was developed with the input of a team of healthcare partners and risk...
Feb 28, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
A recording of the CDC Division of Strategic National Stockpile’s (DSNS) webinar “Regulatory Considerations for the Use of Strategic...
May 08, 2018 | Raymond Puerini
CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health joined the CDC EPIC Team to discuss health risks that hurricanes bring; planning for the 2019 hurricane season; and how community leaders, nonprofit organizations, and public health professionals can effectively communicate hurricane messages. Participants can earn CEU, CHES, and CPH continuing education units. View the webinar recording.
When a disaster strikes a community, it affects people of various cultural backgrounds—sometimes disproportionately. Cultural competence can help public health communicators reduce this disparity. Is your organization committed to building cultural competence? CDC’s Emergency Partners Information Connection and CDC’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity came together to host a webinar on...
CDC recently hosted a Public Health Grand Rounds session focused on Legionnaires’ disease. During this session, four experts discussed approaches to preventing Legionnaires’ disease associated with buildings at increased risk and where we are with uptake of water management programs to reduce the risk of Legionella. In addition to the main presentations, there is a short […]
FEMA is hosting a series of one-hour engagement webinars to describe the updates and answer participants’ questions on the National Response Framework and Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 – Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure Annex. These webinars are geared toward the whole community, including individuals and communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations,...
FEMA is seeking feedback on the revised National Response Framework and Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 – Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure Annex draft documents. Feedback and recommendations received will help ensure the final versions of the documents are effective resources for emergency managers across the nation. Updated draft documents and to submit comments can be found...
HHS ASPR’s Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) hosted a webinar on March 12, 2019 with speakers from small and rural hospitals who have experienced a recent emergency and activated their hospital-based incident command systems. They provided a brief overview of the incident, described how they implemented their incident command system, discussed tools...
The Risk Identification and Site Criticality (RISC) Toolkit was developed with the input of a team of healthcare partners and risk management subject matter experts and designed to help healthcare facility owners and operators identify risks in an easy-to-follow format using objective, national-level data. In this webinar, speakers provided a brief overview of the RISC Tool […]
A recording of the CDC Division of Strategic National Stockpile’s (DSNS) webinar “Regulatory Considerations for the Use of Strategic National Stockpile Medicines and Supplies” is now available on CDC TRAIN. This webinar originally was conducted on March 20 and focuses on threat-specific medical countermeasures and their anticipated regulatory mechanisms. All Public Health Emergency Preparedness...
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Dec 15, 2022 | Nicholas Holmes
Purdue is partnering with NACCHO to offer this online course at a discount for local health departments.
Dec 04, 2020 | Emily D'Angelo
The National Student Response Network (NSRN) is fielding the volunteer needs of hospitals and public health departments and aims to...
May 20, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
ASPR TRACIE has just released COVID-19 Alternate Care Site Resources, a collection of new resources that can help stakeholders address...
Apr 22, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
During a pandemic, healthcare facilities may need telehealth/medicine capabilities. Telehealth policies help to prevent potential...
Apr 21, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
The National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) has launched a COVID-19 Learning & Action Collaborative to move beyond...
The Essential Elements of Local Public Health provides updates and information from NACCHO’s Environmental Health and Infectious Disease portfolios.
This blog embodies NACCHO's mission to empower local health departments and drive positive change.
Stories from the Field provides a means for local health departments to share their experiences and demonstrate the value of public health.
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