This blog embodies NACCHO’s mission to empower local health departments and drive positive change.
Nominations for the U.S. CDC U.S. TB Elimination Champions are now open! CDC is seeking nominations that reflect the important...
Feb 01, 2023 | NacchoVoice, Irene Halferty
NACCHO is currently recruiting members for a community of practice focused on infectious disease outbreak and response. This group...
Jan 23, 2023 | NacchoVoice
Apply today! NACCHO is offering a scholarship opportunity for local health department staff obtaining certification in infection...
Jan 09, 2023 | Jaclyn Abramson
This is the second of a two-part blog series presenting two fictional, but possible, case studies for you to consider. We also provide...
Dec 19, 2022 | Irene Halferty
This is the first of a two-part blog series on infection prevention and control in which we will present two fictional, but possible,...
NACCHO has embarked on a multi-phased project to redesign its signature Roots of Health Inequity Online Course, and is seeking...
Dec 16, 2022 | Brianna Aldridge
This new NACCHO report summarizes data collected in Summer 2021 from a nationally representative group of LHDs, and covers a number of...
Dec 14, 2022 | Francis Higgins
HAIs and AMR are a threat to patients, and subsequently, public health safety. Rural, Frontier, and Small LHDs face distinct barriers...
Dec 01, 2022 | Jaclyn Abramson
Nov 21, 2022 | Jaclyn Abramson
Nominations for the U.S. CDC U.S. TB Elimination Champions are now open! CDC is seeking nominations that reflect the important contributions that individuals, TB survivors, agencies, organizations, and partners have made to eliminate TB.
NACCHO is currently recruiting members for a community of practice focused on infectious disease outbreak and response. This group will work with NACCHO staff to identify disease outbreaks and analytics needs in local health departments and participate in learning opportunities to bolster local health department capacity related to disease outbreaks and analytics.
Apply today! NACCHO is offering a scholarship opportunity for local health department staff obtaining certification in infection control (CIC) or a-IPC (Associate – Infection Prevention and Control) entry-level certification. The deadline to submit an application is the end of the day on Friday, January 27.
This is the second of a two-part blog series presenting two fictional, but possible, case studies for you to consider. We also provide links to helpful resources from Project Firstline.
This is the first of a two-part blog series on infection prevention and control in which we will present two fictional, but possible, case studies for you to consider and imagine how you might respond. Helpful resources from the CDC’s Project Firstline are described throughout the scenarios.
NACCHO has embarked on a multi-phased project to redesign its signature Roots of Health Inequity Online Course, and is seeking consultants/subject matter experts to develop content for the public health history course unit.
This new NACCHO report summarizes data collected in Summer 2021 from a nationally representative group of LHDs, and covers a number of domains critical to the ongoing response to the overdose epidemic including, but not limited to, funding, staffing, partnerships, and services offered.
HAIs and AMR are a threat to patients, and subsequently, public health safety. Rural, Frontier, and Small LHDs face distinct barriers and can provide leadership in surveillance, outbreak investigations, and prevention by collaborating with healthcare and community partners.
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Registration is now open for NACCHO’s in-person Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) 2.0 training series.
Mar 23, 2024 | Andrea Grenadier
Join your fellow public health professionals for a Town Hall-style Focus Group at the 2024 Preparedness Summit to explore what can be...
Mar 08, 2024
NACCHO, in partnership with the Alzheimer's Association, is thrilled to launch the new guide: Integrating Brain Health into Health...
Mar 01, 2024 | Andrea Grenadier
NACCHO, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), released a funding opportunity for The Improving...
Feb 12, 2024 | Tori Decea
The EPA's Small Communities, Big Challenges Competition encourages local governments to demonstrate their innovative strategies, from...
Nov 16, 2023 | Anu Varma
Join NACCHO and our Platinum Affiliate Business Partner, Novavax, on November 2nd at 2:00 PM ET to learn more about the newly FDA...
Oct 16, 2023
Check out all the NACCHO blogs.
The Essential Elements of Local Public Health provides updates and information from NACCHO’s Environmental Health and Infectious Disease portfolios.
Stories from the Field provides a means for local health departments to share their experiences and demonstrate the value of public health.
The Preparedness Brief provides updates and information from NACCHO’s public health preparedness portfolio.
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