Results for 'Kim Rodgers'

COVID-19 Resources for Local Health Departments (May 18-22)

This blog highlights COVID-19 guidance/news, tools and resources, and training opportunities that NACCHO compiled during the week of...

May 21, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

  • Emergency Response

    Medical Operations Coordination Cells (MOCCs) Toolkit

    The Medical Operations Coordination Cells (MOCCs) Toolkit offers flexible and modifiable guidance, developed by the U.S. government,...

    May 20, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

  • Webinar, Emergency Response

    Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Healthcare System Operations Strategies and Experiences

    ASPR TRACIE, in collaboration with the HHS/FEMA COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Task Force, hosted a webinar on May 11, 2020, to...

    May 20, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

  • Tools & Resources, Emergency Response, Infectious Disease, Recommendations

    Pandemic Resilience: Getting It Done - A Supplement to the Roadmap to Pandemic...

    As a follow-up to the “Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience,” which calls for massively scaled up programs of testing, tracing and supported...

    May 20, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

  • Tools & Resources, Webinar, Emergency Response, Epidemiology

    COVID-19 Resources for Local Health Departments (May 18-22)

    This blog highlights COVID-19 guidance/news, tools and resources, and training opportunities that NACCHO compiled during the week of May 18-22, 2020.

    May 21, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

    Emergency Response

    Medical Operations Coordination Cells (MOCCs) Toolkit

    The Medical Operations Coordination Cells (MOCCs) Toolkit offers flexible and modifiable guidance, developed by the U.S. government, to assist regional, state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) governments to ensure load-balancing across healthcare facilities and systems so that the highest possible level of care can be provided to each patient during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    May 20, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

    Webinar, Emergency Response

    Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Healthcare System Operations Strategies and Experiences

    ASPR TRACIE, in collaboration with the HHS/FEMA COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Task Force, hosted a webinar on May 11, 2020, to discuss COVID-19: Healthcare System Operations Strategies and Experiences (

    May 20, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

    Tools & Resources, Emergency Response, Infectious Disease, Recommendations

    Pandemic Resilience: Getting It Done - A Supplement to the Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience

    As a follow-up to the “Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience,” which calls for massively scaled up programs of testing, tracing and supported isolation (TTSI) as a means to safely re-open the U.S. economy after COVID-19 closures, Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics released a new supplemental report detailing guidance on the levels of testing and tracing needed to reopen different...

    May 20, 2020 | Kim Rodgers

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