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LHD Spotlight: Using Smartphones in STD Interviews
Smartphone applications are increasingly being used to facilitate casual sexual relationships, increasing the risk of sexually...
Sep 20, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
School-Based Adolescent HIV/STD Prevention Newsletter: Volume 1, Issue 2
This newsletter was developed as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School...
Sep 06, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
NACCHO Funds Four Local Health Departments to Prevent HIV and STDs among Adolescents
NACCHO awarded four local health departments funding to identify and implement strategies to reduce HIV and STDs among adolescents...
Aug 31, 2017 | Samantha Ritter
WHO: Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea on the rise, new drugs needed
This was originally released by the National Coalition of STD Directors. According to a release today by the World Health...
Jul 10, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
School-Based Adolescent HIV/STD Prevention Newsletter: Volume 1, Issue 1
NACCHO is pleased to announce our participation in a national partnership to reduce HIV and other STDs among adolescents through...
Jun 27, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
National Women’s Health Week 2017: Promoting Sexual Health Across the Lifespan
National Women’s Health Week, celebrated this year from May 14-20, is an annual observance to empower women to make their health...
Jun 01, 2017 | Samantha Ritter
State Health Profiles for HIV, VH, STD, TB and School Health
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB...
May 23, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
Now Hiring: CDC Division of STD Prevention Seeks Medical Director
The Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Prevention (DSTDP) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the only...
Mar 01, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
Scholarships Available to Attend Adolescent Sexual Health-Related Conferences
The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is sponsoring six full scholarships for interested local health...
Feb 24, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
LHD Spotlight: Using Smartphones in STD InterviewsSmartphone applications are increasingly being used to facilitate casual sexual relationships, increasing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Recognizing this, the Monroe County (NY) Health Department (MCHD) conducted a study to explore how traditional contact elicitation methods can be enhanced with smartphone technology during field interviews in STD investigations. Through this... Sep 20, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
School-Based Adolescent HIV/STD Prevention Newsletter: Volume 1, Issue 2This newsletter was developed as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health’s (DASH) initiative, Expanding Partnerships and Disseminating HIV Prevention Materials to Reduce HIV and other STDs among Adolescents through National Non-Governmental Organizations (PS16-1603). The initiative was created to increase education of key stakeholders... Sep 06, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
NACCHO Funds Four Local Health Departments to Prevent HIV and STDs among AdolescentsNACCHO awarded four local health departments funding to identify and implement strategies to reduce HIV and STDs among adolescents through school-based programs. The award will provide support to the local health departments to convene a diverse array of community stakeholders to participate in a NACCHO-facilitated action planning process that will result in the identification of […] Aug 31, 2017 | Samantha Ritter |
WHO: Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea on the rise, new drugs neededThis was originally released by the National Coalition of STD Directors. According to a release today by the World Health Organization (WHO), cases of untreatable gonorrhea are rising around the globe. In the U.S., no untreatable cases have yet been detected. WHO’s warning comes on top of a proposed 17% funding cut next year by […] Jul 10, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
School-Based Adolescent HIV/STD Prevention Newsletter: Volume 1, Issue 1NACCHO is pleased to announce our participation in a national partnership to reduce HIV and other STDs among adolescents through school-based prevention programs. We will post blogs and send out newsletters periodically to provide updates regarding partnership activities and to share resources that can help you support adolescents in your community. This first post is […] Jun 27, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
National Women’s Health Week 2017: Promoting Sexual Health Across the LifespanNational Women’s Health Week, celebrated this year from May 14-20, is an annual observance to empower women to make their health a priority. This year, NACCHO highlights the importance of sexual and relationship health for women at every age. Note that while some of this information pertains specifically to cisgender women, most of it applies […] Jun 01, 2017 | Samantha Ritter |
State Health Profiles for HIV, VH, STD, TB and School HealthThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention recently launched the State Health Profiles for HIV, VH, STD, TB and School Health. The health profiles present an overview of the burden of HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. These profiles present […] May 23, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
Now Hiring: CDC Division of STD Prevention Seeks Medical DirectorThe Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Prevention (DSTDP) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the only federal program that supports STD prevention and control by state and local health departments. The Program Development and Quality Improvement Branch (PDQIB) is responsible for several critical areas of DSTDP’s work to provide national leadership, […] Mar 01, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
Scholarships Available to Attend Adolescent Sexual Health-Related ConferencesThe National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is sponsoring six full scholarships for interested local health department staff* to attend either the Adolescent Health Initiative’s Conference on Adolescent Health (April 24-25 in Ypsilanti, MI) or the National Sexual Health Conference (July 6-8 in Denver, CO). Scholarships will cover conference registration, travel, lodging,... Feb 24, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |

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