The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) is accepting comments on the National Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities draft. NACCHO will be providing comments on behalf of members.
Members can provide comment by:
- Attending a virtual meeting on June 1, 2:00-3:00 PM ET. The meeting will focus on collecting comment on capabilities 1 Incident Management, 4 Workforce , and 8 Community Integration. Please review these sections of the draft prior to the meeting and be prepared to provide comments. Advance registration is required: Register here.
- Emailing [email protected]
- Submitting comment directly to ASPR
Reviewers, provide recommended changes if you identify:
- There is a missing element that is critical to saving lives and ensuring health care continues to function.
- Something in the capabilities that is factually incorrect and needs to be removed or updated.
- An additional link to a publicly available resource to support implementation of the corresponding activities.
Additional information:
HHS is currently updating the National Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities to reflect insights learned from recent disasters. The updated capabilities provide more specificity around what the entire health care delivery system can do to save lives and continue to function in advance of, during, and after a response. The updated capabilities also prioritize equity in all activities, with the goal of ensuring access to consistent levels of care in underserved and historically marginalized communities and at-risk individuals. The updated capabilities provide more specificity around what the entire health care delivery system can do to save lives and continue to function in advance of, during, and after a response.