Wondering how STIs are being addressed in jail settings? If so, check out our 3-part webinar series: Sexual Health Services in Jails.
Our first session discussed several jail projects across the country, including Yuba County Health and Human Services, Northern Nevada Public Health, and Orange County Corrections/Health Services Department. During the webinar, we will discuss how these jail projects have been implemented, key staff involved, as well as lessons learned/best practices. Check out the first session recording here.
During our second session, we highlighted several jail projects across the country, including Seattle-King County, Pueblo County, and Alabama Department of Public Health. Similar to the first session, we discussed how these projects were developed/implemented, key staff involved, as well as lessons learned/best practices. Click here to view the recording of our second Sexual Health Services in Jails webinar.
Our final session featured impactful jail projects from the San Francisco Department of Public Health and Orange County, FL. We discussed the stakeholders involved in these projects, how the projects were implemented, and what was learned along the way. Check out our final session recording here.
We hope you find these sessions as insightful as we did!