This newsletter was developed as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health’s (DASH) initiative, Expanding Partnerships and Disseminating HIV Prevention Materials to Reduce HIV and other STDs among Adolescents through National Non-Governmental Organizations (PS16-1603). The initiative was created to increase education of key stakeholders on CDC-developed approaches to school-based programs for creating healthier adolescents (10-19 years old) by reducing HIV and STD infection. This final issue focuses on sexual health education
When armed with accurate information and skills, teens can eliminate or minimize factors that threaten their success in school. In particular, health education provides adolescents with the information and skills they need to avoid many health risks, such as unintended pregnancy as well as most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV. The resources below can be used to support the implementation of school-based sexual health education.
- Bringing High-Quality HIV and STD Prevention to Youth in Schools – This CDC-developed fact sheet promotes effective HIV prevention through data-driven and evidence-based programs in schools.
- Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) – This CDC-developed tool assists in the strategic assessment of health education curricula.
- 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey – Includes national, state, and large urban school district data from 1991-2017.
- Becoming a More Culturally Responsive Educator – An online training module developed by Advocates for Youth.
- Sexual Health Education and Academic Success – A resource that highlights how effective programs foster academic achievement.
- Sexual Health Education: Research and Results – A factsheet that amplifies data and research to further demonstrate the need for sexual health education.
- Exemplary Sexual Health Education in Alternative Schools – A factsheet that provides research, resources, and tools to support the implementation of sexual health education within the alternative school setting.
New Mexico Schools: The Impact of Required Health Education
This success story is an example of how mandatory health education has contributed to increased training in healthy sexual behaviors and decreased risk for STDs and other social, emotional, and physical risks.
Oakland Unified School District’s Healthy Teen Program
This success story illustrates the accomplishment of the Oakland Unified School District when they implemented a successful campaign to ensure all 6th, 7th, and 9th graders in their district to receive evidence-informed sexual health education.
Webinar: Success Stories: Public Health and Education Partnerships for School-Based HIV and STD Prevention Programs (September 20, 2018 from 2-3 PM EST)
Presenters: Samantha Ritter (NACCHO), Theresa Skipper (Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County), D’Yuanna Allen-Robb (Metro Public Health Department of Nashville/Davidson County)
- Two local health departments have been engaged in a year-long action planning process to partner with school districts and other key community stakeholders to ideate and implement school-based HIV and STD prevention programs. The presenters will describe the community-driven, participatory process of determining adolescent sexual health priorities; engaging stakeholders; implementation successes; how they involved youth; and how they overcame challenges in supporting adolescent health equity. Click here to register.
Conference: SHAPE PETE & HETE Conference 2018 (October 17-20, 2018 in Salt Lake City, UT)
- The PETE & HETE Conference is the premier professional development and networking event for university PETE & HETE faculty and leaders, graduate students, university administrators, and researchers in various fields of study relating to kinesiology and health education. Join us in Salt Lake City for the opportunity to connect with the educators who are creating teaching strategies and effectively implementing successful PETE/HETE programs across the nation! Click here to learn more.
Conference: NCSD STD Engage: Communities in Unity- Meeting the Challenges Together (November 13-16, 2018 in Orlando, FL)
- November 13-16, Orlando, FL – STD Engage, NCSD’s Annual Meeting, is the only national meeting that brings together state and local STD prevention and sexual health professionals, and their community-based partners and allies. Click here to learn more.
Conference: SHAPE America National Convention and Expo 2019 (April 9-13, 2019 in Tampa, FL)
- Click here to learn more.