We are excited to release the Request for Applications (RFA) for ORS Pilot Projects. Please see below and attached for application instructions.
Request for Applications: Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) Pilot Projects
Date of release: August 1, 2023
Applications are due by 11:59 pm E.T. on September 5, 2023
Please direct questions to: Audrey Eisemann at [email protected] or Bailey McInnes at [email protected]
With support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is pleased to announce a funding opportunity to build the evidence base for promising and best practices in overdose prevention at the intersection of public health and public safety in Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) states. Through this funding opportunity, NACCHO and CDC will award up to seven applicants in different stages of their response to the overdose epidemic in one of the following categories:
Categories of work:
- Planning Awards will be awarded up to $50,000 each.
- Implementation Awards will be awarded up to $50,000 each.
- Expansion Awards will be awarded up to $50,000 each. Eligibility is restricted to recipients that received the ORS Pilot Project, Implementation Award, in 2022-2023. Recipients of this award category will lose eligibility for continued funding on the same project following five consecutive years of receipt for their project but may receive funding after five years for a new project.
Application Submission: Please submit all applications and supporting materials using the online submission form.
For full details about the funding opportunity, please review the Request for Applications. Questions about the RFA and application process can be directed to Audrey Eisemann, Sr. Program Analyst at NACCHO ([email protected]) or Bailey McInnes, Program Analyst ([email protected]).