Misty Robinson has been involved in preparedness for the last 16 years. She currently serves as Public Health Preparedness Supervisor for the Southern Nevada Health District and was previously a senior public health preparedness planner.
She has been a member of NACCHO’s Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measurement (PPOM) Workgroup for five years, serving for the last four as its chair. Through her work with PPOM, Robinson helps to revise and shape the standards used in Project Public Health Ready (PPHR), a criteria-based training and recognition program that assesses local health department (LHD) capacity and capability to plan for, respond to, and recover from public health emergencies.
For the last three years, Robinson has also been a National Reviewer with PPHR. Robinson has found value in being a reviewer, noting that learning about the best practices of other health departments has helped in her organization’s own planning efforts.
“I’ve learned a lot from the applicants and what they have needed to do,” said Robinson. “While your own department may experience different types of events, you see how these practices can transition to other types of emergencies. It’s a really good experience.”
As part of the intensive 18-month program, teams of two-to-three reviewers evaluate up to three applications from September through December with one in-person meeting to conduct a team review.
Since her PPHR participation began shortly before the pandemic, Robinson has so far participated virtually. However, she feels like she still had the opportunity to get to know her fellow reviewers pretty well.
“Learning from the other reviewers is really helpful,” said Robinson. “Getting their input and hearing their stories has been interesting.”
Robinson would “absolutely” recommend being a reviewer to others. In addition to getting to know other members of the reviewing team, the applicants are “such a great group of people,” said Robinson. “They put in a lot of time and effort.”
Through June 30 PPHR is recruiting national reviewers for applicants seeking recognition in 2023. Learn about the benefits of participating and how to get involved.