NACCHO, in partnership with Deloitte Consulting LLP, has released two administrative preparedness resources: the Situation Report Template and the Emergency Staffing Plan Template. These emergency staffing plan templates were created from a year-long grant-funded partnership between NACCHO and Deloitte Consulting LLP. The Building Workforce Capacity of Rural and Frontier Local Health Departments to Respond to COVID-19 Project focused on increasing the workforce capacity of local health departments that serve rural/frontier jurisdictions to effectively respond to, recover from, and build community resiliency related to the COVID pandemic and other public health emergencies.
The Emergency Staffing Plan Template is a tool to help develop a preparedness plan for rapid staffing during emergencies or disasters, and the Situation Report Template is for public health officials to use as they identify and circulate relevant information during disasters caused by natural, man-made, and technological hazards. Most of the sections can be completed by a program manager, though some sections should be a collaborative process with the appropriate teams, such as human resources and the finance department. Thanks to the 28 rural and frontier health departments that provided invaluable input into the creation of these tools.
For more information, contact Victoria Friere at [email protected].