With support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NACCHO is pleased to announce a funding opportunity to support local jurisdictions in preparing for Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene (WASH)-Related Emergencies Among People Experiencing Homelessness.
The goal of this funding opportunity is to assist local jurisdictions in adapting and exercising emergency preparedness plans for WASH-related public health emergencies among people experiencing homelessness. NACCHO will support awardees to: 1) adapt their emergency preparedness plans to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness during WASH-related emergencies; 2) develop and implement an exercise to test their plan; and 3) share lessons learned, best practices, and improvement plans.
Opportunities for peer networking will also be provided by NACCHO.
Awards of $42,000 each will be provided to approximately five local jurisdictions. Selections will be made in early July 2022 and announced during the week of July 18, 2022. The project period will run for approximately 10 months, from August 2022 to May 2023.
Application deadline extended to Monday, July 11, 2022. For additional information, see the full RFA.
NACCHO hosted an optional informational webinar on June 15 to provide an overview of the RFA and to answer questions. Watch the recording, download the slides, and view a Q&A document.