To support the role of local health departments (LHDs) in the COVID-19 response, NACCHO’s COVID-19 Incident Command Structure (ICS) is activated at a Level 3.
As part of this, NACCHO is engaged in the FEMA-HHS National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) efforts as part of the ASPR Secretary Operations Center (SOC) and the CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that are activated and co-located within the NRCC. This allows daily coordination between NACCHO and federal partners on behalf of the nation’s local health departments. We are also collaborating with ASTHO, APHL, CSTE and CDC to disseminate relevant and accurate information as quickly as possible to our members.
Please visit our public-facing COVID-19 website to learn more about NACCHO’s primary objectives and activities related to COVID-19 response.
Resources for Local Health Departments
NACCHO has set up a dedicated COVID-19 Virtual Community, where resources can be shared and LHDs can learn from each other about ways to respond. All Local Health Officials (LHOs) and Preparedness Coordinators have been provided with access to this virtual community. For access to those resources, please contact your health department’s LHO or Preparedness Coordinator. You can also view many of the publicly available resources in this blog, which will be updated weekly.
- Resources for June 8-12
- Resources for June 1-5
- Resources for May 25-29
- Resources for May 18-22
- Resources for May 11-15
- Resources for May 4-8
- Resources for April 27-May 1
- Resources for April 20-24
- Resources for April 13-17
- Resources for April 6-10
- Resources for March 30-April 3
- Resources for March 23-27
- Resources for March 16-20
For the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: