The National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) has released call for abstracts for the Retail Program Standards Symposium 2024 (RPSS) taking place virtually April 16-18, 2024. This is an innovative and insightful event to support retail food regulatory programs to achieve conformance with the FDA Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards. There is no cost to attend.
There are three distinct tracks to cater to different experience levels with the Retail Program Standards.
- Track 1: New to the Retail Program Standards
- Low Hanging Fruit: Determining Where to Begin (60 min) Module designed for jurisdictions just starting out in the Retail Program Standards to help them cut through the confusion and determine where to begin.
- Leveraging Leadership Buy In (60 min) Leadership buy-in is crucial to a jurisdiction’s success with the Retail Program Standards. This presentation shares one jurisdiction’s approach to leveraging leadership buy-in for their program.
- Track 2: Somewhat experienced with the Retail Program Standards
- Using the RPS to Build Uniformity into your Program (60 min) This session covers how jurisdictions can utilize the Retail Program Standards to build uniformity into food safety systems.
- Track 3: Highly experienced with the Retail Program Standards
- Standard 9 (focus on Intervention Strategy; how, why, are they appropriate?) (60 min) This series of presentations focuses on how three jurisdictions designed and measured interventions when working on Standard 9. NEHA will accept three abstracts for this session.
Abstract submissions close at 11:59pm on January 19, 2024.
Learn more at Retail Program Standards Symposium (