This August join the 2023 RadResponder Nationwide Drill: Population Monitoring 2.0: Making Community Reception Centers SimPLER.
This drill is sponsored by the FEMA Office of Emerging Threats (formerly known as the FEMA CBRN Office), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD). The goal of this drill is to highlight the enhancements made to the population monitoring module in RadResponder by using the Community Reception Center Simulation Program for Leveraging and Evaluating Resources (CRC SimPLER) tool to generate data to then associate with RadResponder events and community reception centers (CRC). The population monitoring module in RadResponder allows users to assign resources, contamination criteria, and screening characteristics for the population groups that various CRCs support (people, animals, and/or vehicles). Users can create screened population records for each set of criterium, characteristics, and population groups to develop an aggregate data view for each CRC. The drill scenario and subject matter expertise will be provided by CDC and CRCPD. All RadResponder users are encouraged to participate to enhance their RadResponder competency and practice using the population monitoring module in a low-pressure, learning environment.
In preparation for the drill, RadResponder will conduct a pre-drill webinar on Friday, August 11 that will cover all RadResponder features that you will need to use and an overview of how to use the CRC SimPLER tool. This Nationwide Drill will conclude with a webinar on Friday, August 25 that will feature special presentations from the drill sponsors and will end with a hotwash and lessons learned session.
Registration: Use the below links to register for the drill:
- Pre-Drill Webinar (August 11): Register here
- Drill Participation and Closing Webinar (Drill is open from August 21-25, with the Closing Webinar taking place on August 25): Register here
For more information on the drill and pre-drill activities, please check out the one-pager in the RadResponder Resource Library.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].